You Can View Multiple Webpages In Most Browsers Using

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All newer web browsers use a(n) browsing interface, which allows you to have multiple web pages open in one browser window. Tabbed The free video calling services generally limit real-time video conversations to under one minute. Most browsers also have the ability to check to see if they are still the default browser, and offer to reset it in case some other program made a change you didn't want. If you found this article helpful, I'm sure you'll also love Confident Computing! On a PC, default submit buttons are square and pretty flat looking, on a Mac the default submit buttons are nicely shaded ovals with a gradient. For example, a submit button can look like a gray rectangle on your Windows Classic theme, and like an oval if you use the XP style. As a workaround, you can create custom buttons for your website. As each browser test completes, a screenshot will appear in your 'queue' on the BrowserShots' webpage. Click any thumbnail and see a large screenshot of your webpage running on various operating systems and browser pairings. The downside to using BrowserShots is the default 30-minute queue timeframe.

By Nicolò Carandini, Mike Wasson, and Tom Dykstra

Browser Link is a Visual Studio feature. It creates a communication channel between the development environment and one or more web browsers. You can use Browser Link to refresh your web app in several browsers at once, which is useful for cross-browser testing.

Browser Link setup

Add the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink package to your project. For ASP.NET Core Razor Pages or MVC projects, also enable runtime compilation of Razor (.cshtml) files as described in Razor file compilation in ASP.NET Core. Razor syntax changes are applied only when runtime compilation has been enabled.

When converting an ASP.NET Core 2.0 project to ASP.NET Core 2.1 and transitioning to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App metapackage, install the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink package for Browser Link functionality. The ASP.NET Core 2.1 project templates use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App metapackage by default.

The ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web Application, Empty, and Web API Google one update. project templates use the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All metapackage, which contains a package reference for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink. Therefore, using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All metapackage requires no further action to make Browser Link available for use.

The ASP.NET Core 1.x Web Application project template has a package reference for the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink package. Other project types require you to add a package reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink.


Call UseBrowserLink in the Startup.Configure method:

The UseBrowserLink call is typically placed inside an if block that only enables Browser Link in the Development environment. For example:

For more information, see Use multiple environments in ASP.NET Core.

How to use Browser Link

When you have an ASP.NET Core project open, Visual Studio shows the Browser Link toolbar control next to the Debug Target toolbar control:

From the Browser Link toolbar control, you can:

  • Refresh the web app in several browsers at once.
  • Open the Browser Link Dashboard.
  • Enable or disable Browser Link. Note: Browser Link is disabled by default in Visual Studio.
  • Enable or disable CSS Auto-Sync.

Refresh the web app in several browsers at once

To choose a single web browser to launch when starting the project, use the drop-down menu in the Debug Target toolbar control:

To open multiple browsers at once, choose Browse with.. from the same drop-down. Hold down the Ctrl key to select the browsers you want, and then click Browse:

The following screenshot shows Visual Studio with the Index view open and two open browsers:

Hover over the Browser Link toolbar control to see the browsers that are connected to the project:

Change the Index view, and all connected browsers are updated when you click the Browser Link refresh button: Download google chrome english for windows.

Browser Link also works with browsers that you launch from outside Visual Studio and navigate to the app URL.

The Browser Link Dashboard

Open the Browser Link Dashboard window from the Browser Link drop down menu to manage the connection with open browsers:


If no browser is connected, you can start a non-debugging session by selecting the View in Browser link:

Otherwise, the connected browsers are shown with the path to the page that each browser is showing:

You can also click on an individual browser name to refresh only that browser.

Enable or disable Browser Link

When you re-enable Browser Link after disabling it, you must refresh the browsers to reconnect them.

Enable or disable CSS Auto-Sync

When CSS Auto-Sync is enabled, connected browsers are automatically refreshed when you make any change to CSS files.

You Can View Multiple Webpages In Most Browsers Using Too Slow

How it works

Browser Link uses SignalR to create a communication channel between Visual Studio and the browser. When Browser Link is enabled, Visual Studio acts as a SignalR server that multiple clients (browsers) can connect to. Browser Link also registers a middleware component in the ASP.NET Core request pipeline. This component injects special </code> references into every page request from the server. You can see the script references by selecting <strong>View source</strong> in the browser and scrolling to the end of the <code><body></code> tag content:</p><p>Your source files aren't modified. The middleware component injects the script references dynamically.</p><p>Because the browser-side code is all JavaScript, it works on all browsers that SignalR supports without requiring a browser plug-in.</p><p>For most of us, our morning routine in front of the computer begins by opening few web sites. But opening each of them one by one in your browser is a bit of a pain. You even tend to miss out some web sites now and then.</p><p>Wouldn't it be great if you could open all your Favorite sites with a single click?</p><p> There are two tricks to do this - using a desktop shortcut or directly from your browser. Let's first see how to create a desktop shortcut which will open multiple URLs as tabs in your browser.</p><h2>Desktop Shortcut to Open Multiple Websites Together.</h2><p>The trick to create a desktop script which can open multiple URL's in your default browser. This is actually the most convenient method. Here's how to do this.</p><p><strong>For all browsers except Internet Explorer.</strong></p><ol><li>First create a new text document on your desktop and name it something like 'Morning Coffee Sites.txt'.</li><li>Double click on it so notepad will open it for editing.</li><li>Copy paste the following into it and replace the site name/URL with the ones you want to load.<br><blockquote>@echo off <br>start 'Facebok' '' <br>ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul<br>start 'Google+' '' <br>start 'Skipser' '' <br>start 'Gmail' '' <br>start 'Yahoo' ''</blockquote>Please make sure that <em>'@echo off'</em> and <em>'ping -n 1 -w 1000 > nul'</em> remain where they are. If you want to add additional sites, just copy paste the last line and change the name/URL.</li><li>Save the file and rename it to <em><strong>'Morning Coffee Sites.bat'</strong></em>. </li><li>That's it. Just double click on this file and all your sites will open in your default browser in tabs. If you have set IE as the default browser, the sites will be opened in new windows instead of tabs. So use the below trick for IE.</li></ol><p><strong>For Internet </strong><strong>Explorer</strong></p><ol><li>First create a new text document on your desktop and name it something like <em>'Morning Coffee Sites.txt'</em>.</li><li>Double click to open it for editing with notepad.</li><li>Copy paste the following into it and replace the site names and URLs with the ones you want to load.<br><blockquote><p>Set ieobj = CreateObject('InternetExplorer.Application')<br>ieobj.Visible = True<br>ieobj.Navigate2 ''<br>ieobj.Navigate2 '', 2048<br>ieobj.Navigate2 '', 2048 <br>ieobj.Navigate2 '', 2048 </p></blockquote>To add additional sites, just copy paste the last line and change the URL.</li><li>Save the file and rename it to<strong><em>'Morning Coffee Sites.vbs'</em></strong>. </li><li>That's it. Just double click on this file and IE will open up all your websites in tabs.</li></ol><h2>Opening more than one websites in tabs directly in a browser.</h2><h2 id='you-can-view-multiple-webpages-in-most-browsers-using-too-people'>You Can View Multiple Webpages In Most Browsers Using Too People</h2><p>If you are not comfortable adding yet another desktop shortcut, there are simple tricks to open multiple URLs directly from your browser as well.</p><h2>1. Firefox.</h2><p>Firefox is one of the leading web browsers in the world. There are three tricks that can be used to launch multiple web sites with a single click in Firefox. Let's see the best one first.</p><ol><li>Using 'Morning Coffee' extension is the best solution for Firefox. You can add URLs to be opened daily, on specific days or combination of days of the week. Installing the extension gives you a Coffee Mug icon next to the address bar to add, remove or open sites.<br></li><li>The next trick uses the home page button. First, open all the web sites you want to open together in separate tabs. Once they are all loaded, from the Firefox menu bar go to 'Tools->Options' ('Edit->Preferences' in Linux).<br>Go to the 'General' tab and click on 'Use Current Pages' button. This will add all the currently open tabs in the list of home pages.Firefox provides a home page button which you can see on the right side of location/address bar (Windows/Linux buttons as below). <br>Next time you want to open all your pages, just click on this button.</li><li>The third trick is to create a folder for bookmarks and bookmark all the sites you want to open together under that folder. This can be done from 'Bookmarks->Bookmark this page' menu option. Now to open all pages together, go to 'Bookmarks->[folder_name]->Open all in tabs'.<br>You can also click with your scroll button on the folder from 'Bookmarks' menu and open all bookmarks stored under that folder in tabs.</li></ol><h2>2. Chrome.</h2><p>With chrome, the same can be done with a tweak. Here are three ways to do this similar to Firefox.</p><ol><li>The best option is to use the extension 'Daily Links Configuration'. You can add in as many sites as you want and specify which day(s) you want to open them by clicking the plugin icon which will appear next to the address bar on installing.<br></li><li>The next trick again uses the home page button. But unlike Firefox, you need to add URLs in a different way. First open a new tab and the bookmarks toolbar will appear. right click it and choose add page. Choose a Name for the bookmark an paste the following in the URL field.<br>Change the names '', '' etc with the sites you want to open. You can add sites by appending ''');' to the end of the list. Now you can launch all sites in tabs by just clicking on this bookmark.</li><li>The third option is the same as Firefox. Add all sites to a new bookmark folder as usual. On opening a new tab, chrome will show the bookmarks toolbar. Right click on your bookmark folder and select 'Open all Bookmarks'.<br></li></ol><h2>3. Internet Explorer.</h2><p>For internet explorer(7 and above), there is no straight forward way to do this. But you can achieve this with two methods.</p><ol><li>First is to add all sites you want to open automatically into your home page list. That would make IE open all these sites in separate tabs the first time your open it. The downside is that if you open IE to browse a single site, all these tabs will open up automatically. <br>To do this, first open all the sites in separate tabs. Go to 'Tools -> Internet Options'. On the General tab, click 'Use Current'. This will populate the home page field with URLs of all the tabs, one in each line. Click OK—when you next open IE, the tabs you sent all open at once.</li><li>The second method involves adding all the sites you want to open automatically into a new favorites folder. Now click on the 'Favorites' button on the top left of IE which will show all available favorites. Right click on the folder containing the sites and click on 'Open in Tab Group'. This will open all the favorite sites added in that folder in separate tabs.<br></li></ol><br><br><br><br>

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